Monday, January 25, 2016

No Fair!

Childhood was a time when I learned the world wasn't fair. I believed in equality for all, and I was good for tattling when I felt injustices took place. Instead of righting injustice, I was the one who was in trouble for being a 'tattletale.'

45 years later, I feel the same way. I've learned not to be a tattletale, but there is still a part of me that wants to right injustice. It's one of the reasons I became a teacher. I saw a tremendous amount of what I considered injustice when I was a student, and I thought I could become a positive influence in the lives of others.

However, with the current state of public education, I'm not sure I can right the injustices anymore. I'm not sure I want to try. Every time I turn around, there is another teacher in trouble, another law passed meant to undermine teachers, another something taken away from teachers just to make our jobs more difficult.

Children are more than test scores, more than the latest greatest technology. Billionaires have decided to do what they think is best for our children, but they are hobbling what we know words. In an effort to make money, corporations are creating charter schools with prescribed curriculum, churning out tens of thousands of students who will not be able to think on their own.

I fear for our education system. And what is happening right now is a far greater injustice than I'll ever  be able to right.

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