Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Power of Student Voices

I know there are plenty of critics regarding our district's student protests, but I, for one, am in awe of what they have accomplished in such a short time. We teachers have tried to bring attention to the duplicity of our school board, but we have often been discounted as 'alarmists' or 'union thugs.' Accusations hurtle through the internet and other media, calling us 'greedy' or stating that we are afraid to be held 'accountable.'

But for the past week, the sheer numbers of students who have decided to inform themselves of board actions and take their own action has overwhelmed me. Plenty of critics have suggested students are 'teacher pawns,' that we are putting them up to their protests. And sure, some of the kids walking out just want to take time off from school. But I have students who have repeatedly written to the board about some of its action who have never been acknowledged. I have students whose parents teach in my district who are well-informed about what is happening. I have students who have the ability to read, think critically, and comprehend the reprehensible and duplicitous actions of our board of education. Those are the students who motivate me and remind me why I'm in education.

I am proud of our students. I am proud to be a teacher.

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